Landscape Lighting at Welwyn Wong Landscape Design

Landscape Lighting DesignerLandscape lighting can make a tremendous difference in the appearance of your home and its surroundings. Installations like lamp posts and lanterns give you control over what areas get focused, especially at night. Direct light at the hard work you've put into your gardening. How much light is completely up to you and your garden design. The level of brightness can completely change the feel of the landscape design.

There are many different kinds of landscape lighting, so take the time to find one that fits its surroundings. Some areas may benefit from an elegant lamp post, but others might look better, like your pool design, in the cozy glow of ground lights.  

The best way to get good outdoor lighting is to hire our landscaping services. Our landscape lighting designer will place the light sources according to your wishes, and give advice of their own should it be requested. There is an art to lighting, and these individuals have been making masterpieces all their lives.

For more information on landscape lighting and other landscape services, contact Welwyn Wong Landscape Design in ottawa, ON. 

Landscape Design | Lanscape Lightning | Hardscaping | Water Feature


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